Dedicate a working space

Working from your bed might seem like a dream come true when it comes to being able to work from home, but to tell you the truth, it’s only going to keep you from your highest level of productivity. We wish it wasn’t true, either! Instead, create a dedicated working space that will keep your mind free of distractions, whether it’s a home office, a simple desk in the corner of the room, or even the dining room table or bar, depending on your space options. As long as it’s an area that you know won’t be tempting you to take a snooze, get caught in a Netflix binge, or get distracted by any other vices, you’re on the right track.

Implement quiet hours into your daily schedule

If this is your first time hearing the term “quiet hours” while working, you’re in for a true treat when it comes to maximizing productivity – especially when working from home. Quiet hours are exactly what they sound like; scheduled time throughout your workday with no distractions and no interruptions. This means: turn off the TV, silence your phone (or even put it in a separate room), don’t schedule meetings, and turn your Microsoft Teams/Slack/Google/whatever-your-company-uses-to-communicate status to ‘away.’ This separation, even if it’s only for an hour or two out of your workday helps to eliminate all distractions and put your mind in a place of focus that it otherwise couldn’t reach, even if you don’t realize you’re being distracted in the moment.

Keep a schedule

So many are tempted by the flexibility of working from home due to the ability to, oftentimes, work on your own time, in your own chosen environment. While this is certainly a perk of the WFH lifestyle, it can cause a decline in personal productivity if you don’t have a set schedule in place to keep yourself on track. This is a level of self-discipline that can be tricky for those who aren’t used to working with this much freedom (gone are the days of micromanaging office managers!), but with the proper implementation, can increase your productivity in ways you never thought possible, and sometimes, in even less time than before.

Declutter your space

We already discussed having a designated working space in your home, but having a separate area in itself isn’t going to be enough to improve your productivity if that area is full of distractions and clutter. There’s a reason that minimalism is rising in popularity each day, and when it comes to working from home, it’s even better. While it’s important to personalize your space to make yourself comfortable, covering your desk or table with unnecessary items, leaving behind trash and dishes, and not having dedicated areas for important work documents and other items are going to keep you from being your most productive self.

Incorporate breaks to prevent burnout

PSA: increasing your productivity does NOT mean overworking yourself and getting burnt out!

In fact, it should mean the exact opposite. Working an 8, 9, or 10+ hour day with no breaks is one of the least effective ways to remain productive, and one of the best ways to get burnt out on your job, which is exactly what this list is trying to prevent! Even if it’s only 5-10 minutes, it’s important to allow yourself to take time throughout your day to take a step back from the screen or the papers, refresh your mind, and come back recharged. This allows you to increase not only your productivity but your creativity as well, to ensure the work you’re producing is truly your best.


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